The Hammonton Education Foundation's blueberry bush fundraiser gives community members an opportunity to honor graduating students, thank a favorite teacher or memorialize a loved one.
Wood and metal blueberry bush renderings hang in the hallways of Hammonton High School and Hammonton Middle School. Plaques in the shape of leaves, blueberry clusters, trunks and rocks can be engraved with custom messages.
The blueberry bush at the high school — which hangs under the words “Cultivating our Blues, From Seeds of Learning to Fruits of Knowledge” — has been incredibly popular. All berry clusters have been purchased, and only a limited number of leaves and rocks remain.
Expanding the fundraiser to Hammonton Middle School gives community members another opportunity to engrave decorative plaques with personalized sentiments.
Leaves are $150 each, blueberry clusters are $300 and trunks are $500. Small rocks are $1,000 and large rocks are $2,000.
Proceeds are used to fund grants that enhance the education of Hammonton School District students. Community members who support the blueberry bush project can specify which school their donation should go to as part of a grant.